Was feeling remorseful, then mind said Nah !! ….being Happy is my place
It all starts with a D-for- disillusion of a utopian situation where we are just so satiated with our lives without any negativity — blame it on the IMAGINATION prowess of homo-sapiens !!, then all the D’s just start pouring over in our lives — Decision, desire, dedication, depression, etc.
We are always like a swinging pendulum, either swinging forward or swinging backward in life but never remaining at the mean position ( Kinda remembered by JEE days, talking about the pendulum — I am an ENGINEER guys !!!).
What if I told you to give me Rs 1 lakh rupees, and I promise you to double the amount in 25 days ( Hera Pheri anyone !!), you would look at me in contempt, and just woosh me out of the scene ….Kya bakwass kr rha ….(what nonsense are you speaking) ….typical Hindi line.
Now, just equate 1 lakh = 1 Happiness unit, and in 1 second, double the amount, and voila “2” happiness units. Such a thing is quite possible, and this is no JOKE.
Famous lines “अपना काम करो और परिणाम के बारे में मत सोचो”, translates to “ do your work and don’t think about the result”. Just be honest and ask yourself have you applied this in your life, a big “NO”, yet we keep regurgitating to ourselves, that we don’t feel satisfied, not happy at all, anxious, depressed ( Another ‘D’ of life).
We know 2+2 =4, can I convince you that the answer is 8 ? Hell, NO, nobody in the world can ( Pls no recommendations of the youtube video stating 1=2 xD). We always think, analyze everything around us in a rational, systematic way, being pedantic about our life choices, turning into some kind of astrologer — what would happen to me in years to come if I choose this path? Few succeed in predicting, many just land into a soup.
Just apply one simple logic into action and try detaching happiness with the disillusion of the potential future you might be thinking or as the proverb goes “LIFE WOULD BECOME SET IF I GET THIS”, and you have hit a home run. Just come to terms that you would encounter shitty people around, vibes that do nothing but just elevate the levels of negativity, etc …..you get the draft.
Applying this equation to life, not as easy as it might look, but just the fact that we don’t even know that such a thing could be applied has been the revelation at least for me.
We all have seen a dog perform tricks in the hope of getting chicken treats, what better are we if we do the same with our life, equating happiness with external factors. This really doesn’t mean that we should not have feelings, rest assured that even if we do succeed to disengage happiness and external factors, we would feel varying emotions in different scenarios …after all, we are all homo-sapiens, we are built like this. Imagine being in a funeral and smiling and being jovial and remaining completely insulated from the gravity of the situation …..bad Homo-sapien...I mean really bad….never do this.
Happiness can’t be quantified, it has no units, no limits, hence our tendency is to not treat it as such is understood but the journey of eternal happiness starts from where we analyze our own self, and take the right steps towards the island of Eternal Happiness — the population of which is just a minuscule percentage of people.
Just be dependent on yourself for happiness and not on other things in life, so that you become the permanent resident of the island named — Eternal Happiness.